Wotofo Manik D Series Coils is fully compatible with Wotofo Manik Pod Mod Kit and Wotofo Manik Pod Cartridge. Due to its grid structure, it can generate uniform heat and provide a long-lasting taste experience with dense vapor. There are four types of Wotofo Manik D Series Coils: D11 Single Net Mesh Coil, D13 A1 nexMesh Coil, D14 A1 Conical nexMesh Coil, D15 Single Clapton Mesh Coil, satisfying various tastes and clouds preferences. The resistance of the four coils is 0.2ohm, the internal wire is a mesh of different shapes: single mesh, Nex mesh, Conical mesh, single Clapton mesh. Wotofo Manik D Series Coils has excellent vapor forming ability and produces authentic aroma, is designed for DTL, and restricted DTL vape. 5pcs in each pack.
D13 A1 nexMESH Coil 0.2Ω (30-50W, Best Wattage Range: 37-43W)
D14 A1 Conical nexMesh Coil 0.2Ω(30-55W, Best Wattage Range: 35-40W)
D15 Single Clapton Mesh Coil 0.2Ω(30-55W, Best Wattage Range: 45-55W)